Sunday, August 3, 2008

Sunday at Mountain Lake Church

Today the Henderson family walked to the 9.30am service. How's that? We can walk to church. We were a little nervous but yet again the people made us feel very welcome. We checked the boys into their Sunday environments and not one turned back to say goodbye... wow!! The music was great, modern with a focus on Christ. David delivered the message and "tore it up." It was right on with the message that Jesus wants His Party full, but it's the religious who reject His invitation while the poor and broken grasp it with two hands. Good Jesus centered challenge and encouragement for us to be the Church and reach out to the people God has placed around us inviting them to meet Jesus and join us as we follow Him. We picked up the boys and literally had to evict them they were having so much fun!!
THEN On the way home we discovered a nest with 3 little birds in it, the boys loved it!! It's been a very special Sunday.

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