Follower of Jesus, husband of one wife, Dad of three boys, Acts 29 Planter and St George Dragons fan.
I (Will) was born in 1974 and raised a “Queenslander” on the family farm located in the Beef, Sheep and Wheat Belt of the Western Darling Downs, Australia. Though raised in a Christian family my time at a “Church Boarding School” was far from edifying and I can remember clearly deciding that although I believed in Jesus, I did not want anything to do with organized religion. After graduating from University and working in the field of Marketing I eventually realized my life was self destructing and when my younger sister invited me to go with her to church I agreed since I had nothing to lose. Over a number of visits I was repeatedly confronted by the gospel and my need to submit to Jesus and His leadership, which I did. As Christ began His work in my life, I was convinced of the need for the truth about Jesus to be presented in culturally appropriate ways if my generation was ever to be led to Jesus. I volunteered and worked in various roles in my local church and after I married Nerida began to study part time at the Queensland Theological College with a view for church planting whist working part time in ministry.
After graduation with a Bachelors Theology and an Associate Diploma Ministry I was ‘appointed’ to a revitalization work and by God’s grace over a three year period we saw the church not only strengthened and grow but planted a daughter congregation closer to the inner city.
Having completed what I believe God had called me to do with this congregation my wife and I both agreed that we were now being led to start a new work specifically shaped to reach and equip Gen X and Y men for gospel leadership in Queensland, Australia and beyond. With a greater understanding of what is required and the need to be properly prepared in July 2008 we packed our bags and moved our family to Georgia, U.S.A. to undertake a Church Planting Residency with Mountain Lake Church & In July 2009 we returned to Queensland, Australia to begin this work in the strategic ‘Inner South’ region of Brisbane city.
We believe Brisbane City is strategic for three reasons:
It is populated by hundreds of thousands of unchurched people who need Christ.
It has the population density and location to support a large regionally focused Church.
Brisbane is the fastest growing city of Australia, and is strategically located in the fastest growing region of the nation. As a result I believe that this church is called to have a radical impact on Brisbane, Queensland and Australia but also throughout South East Asia.
Our Heart
A new church community living to see people far from God engaged with Jesus and growing as followers of Him.