Thursday, February 12, 2009

The Missing Ingredient

I love this quote* from Ps Larry Osborne, pastor of North Coast Church :

"When I arrived at the church, I was armed with books and ideas on growth, evangelism, and reaching the community. Unity was the last thing I was worried about. If you'd told me to slow down and focus on camaraderie and unity, I'd have chided you for your inward, even self-centered, approach to ministry. We had a world to conquer. But it soon became painfully obvious that we were never going to change the world out there when we couldn't get along in here."

Unity on the core gospel vision is non-negotiable. We can flex on the other stuff. Reminds me of Jesus' last message to his men and His last prayer. John wrote it down and you can read it here.

Men - Let's seek to encourage not pick. Let's seek to understand and know before we try to change. Let's seek to be Jesus led Jesus centered leaders focusing on keeping Him as our focus and speaking to one another in the power of His love, a love that God liberally pours out on us when we ask through the Holy Spirit.
*The Unity Factor - L. Osbourne.

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