Thursday, November 6, 2008

NewThing Multi-Site Practicum Takeaways 1

Hey all my brothers in arms in Australia. A few of my mates have emailed and asked about the NewThing Practicum. Here is some of the key takeaways.
• Think Mult-Site but not church (Restaurants, banks, hospitals etc). Now think church. One Church meeting in many locations; schools, community centers, coffee shops etc. Also think planting new churches in other places that will reproduce sites.
• Move One – The God Thing. Where is God at work & where is He preparing new things? Face it, we need to follow Him.
• Move Two – The Vision. It never changes. The problem is us. Our rebellion, sin and spiritual death. The solution is simply Jesus and the life He offers. The catalyst is a gifted leader who get’s this. They see the urgency of the situation and are motivated to get involved and lead a team to follow Jesus in His mission.
• Move Three – The Leader. The guardian of the Jesus’ mission. Encourager, voice, trainer, overseer, recruiter, point person.
• Move Four – The Team. It always takes a team.
• Move Five – Finances. Know and share the cost. Have moral integrity in your life with finances. Make sure you are fully funded in enough time.
• Move Six – Alignment. Consistent language and experiences. Constantly revisited in the leadership communities. One vision, one budget, one eldership, one staff.
• Move Seven – Unstoppable! Determination in the face of fears, doubts, warfare, failures to push forward. Remembering that no plan is perfect, and to work the plan. An unwavering resolve to do what needs to be done. Unstoppable.

Check out Dave Ferguson's blog for more great insights.

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