Tuesday, May 22, 2007

David Jackman hits the nail on the head

"The Spirit of God takes the Word of God to do the Work of God."
Well this week I'm attending the annual Home Missionary conference. So far it has been absolutely tremendous. David Jackman President of The Proclamation Trust has hit the ball for six with his refreshing and potent teaching over the past two days.
Whilst a heap of it is just as I said refreshing the tanks I'm very much aware that if Darren Lockyer needs to go through the pre-season training every year I need to be regularly refreshed and refocused as a Pastor and Teacher of God's Word.
For me the knock out blow yesterday was this comment by Dave that I mentioned above, "The Spirit of God takes the Word of God to do the Work of God."
Hmmm... I think we all could do well to think about the truth of that statement and freedom in our relationship with God that results from it.

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