Tuesday, April 28, 2009

THR3E Conference Event - Elevation Church - Session One

Today I had the privilege of attending the THR3E Conference Event put on by Pastor Steven Furtick and the Elevation staff. It was a great day of teaching, encouragement, insight and in Pastor Steven's own words 'impartation.' Here's some of what was shared...

First Session - Casting Vision, Creating Culture.Three words Elevation is to be known for:
1. Audacity - it is a 'spirit', an attitude, not a set of actions. It takes audaciousness to start something from nothing but that is the essence of God present in our lives. He spoke into the nothing and created and now He speaks into and through us and makes that which was dead and 'not' alive and a new creation. Proverbs 29:18 "Where there is no revelation (from God) the people cast off restraint." Audaciousness comes from knowing clearly what it is that God is calling you to do. Humble yourself. Pray, fast and be secure in who God is in YOU. Don't try to be everyone else.
2. Honor - Honor one another and especially the leadership God has placed over you. Do not entertain a divisive spirit for a second. Respect is earned, but honor is freely given by honorable men. Pastors should allow others to not only respect but honor them, for their sake. Pastors should also honor down. 1 Samuel 24; David honored Saul and didn't steal what God had promised.
3. Generosity - 101 is the tithe. Lead by example. If you want the congregation to bleed you and the leader must go first and haemorrage yourself. Have the courage and confidence to call your congregation to grow in the gift of generosity for where their treasure is there their hearts are also. God doesn't need their money, they need to grow in generosity. Consecrate yourself to the Lord and purge the fear, deny and break the power of the flesh. Pray, fast and challenge them to give in the Spirit of Jesus.

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