As a man following Jesus I am constantly forced to stretch, grow and change.
Here are a few leadership thoughts that have messed me up in the last 24hrs...
Generating a culture of generosity begins with me... Recently
Pastor Furtick, pastor of Elevation Church (2 years old & over 2,000) was interviewed about some of Elevation’s foundational concepts. Question : What has been your strategy in recruiting key leaders and building a strong team?
The initial 7 families that sold their homes, quit their jobs and stepped out on faith to start this church established a DNA of sacrifice that has been foundational to the team God has built at Elevation. When church planters show up to observe our team, there are certain things that simply can not be taught and frankly can not be accounted for on a spread sheet or in a list of principles. The willingness of those early families to risk it all to see a move of God is such a deep part of who we are as a church and that spirit of faith has reproduced itself in the hearts of every staff member and every volunteer creating what I believe to be the most phenomenal volunteer staff on planet earth.The need to lead and ACT not discuss and do nothing! Steve Addison spurred me with these comments on why movements die...
1. A bucket load of denial
2. The assets of previous generations
3. Amnesia regarding your core beliefs and mission
4. Lots of discussion about “the way forward” with no actionLeaders never give up, they align themselves.Tony Morgan and Perry Noble threw down the gauntlet to me once agian...
Tony shares Leadership - "You haven't begun to preach until you're controversial."
"The cost of leadership is conflict."
"If you aren't experiencing conflict, you're not a leader--you're a follower."
"People generally admire their leaders best when they are dead."
Perry on Leadership - "If you are preaching at or working for a church that you would not otherwise attend, WHY? The fire starts in the Senior Pastor's heart. If the Sr. Pastor is not fired up, why would anyone else be? Vision matters."