Thursday, September 13, 2007

Dr Ellice Hammond - A real HERO

I was deeply moved to real of Ellice's commitment to her daughter, even to the point of death. I pray that God will use her testimony of love, faithfulness and sacrifice to encourage others that true love costs. Ellice, you are one of my heros. Here is her story as told on ninemsn:
A GP who refused high-level chemotherapy, ultimately sacrificing her life to save her unborn daughter, was farewelled by family and friends in Melbourne this afternoon.
Dr Ellice Hammond, 37, lost her battle with Hodgkin's lymphoma on Sunday, three weeks after daughter Mia Ellice was born nine weeks prematurely at the Monash Medical Centre, where she remains in neonatal intensive care, The Herald Sun said.
Dr Hammond was diagnosed in the 22nd week of pregnancy and refused high-level chemotherapy that could have saved her but might have killed Mia, whose induced birth took place on August 20.
At her funeral at the Uniting Church in East Malvern, Dr Hammond's husband, Peter Wojcik, told mourners he would "do everything in my power to be the best father for our lovely daughter Mia. Rest in peace."

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