Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Coach or player?

I love this picture. Coach Wayne Bennett, arguably the best league coach in the world and his apprentice Darren Lockyer. Wayne was a good player but he’s the best at coaching others.

Sometimes the greatest thing stopping me from going forward in what God is calling me to is everything I’m doing.

You know what I mean – the “to do list” is two pages long and it all can get a little overwhelming. Overwhelming that is until I return to the fact that as a ‘leader’ my job isn’t to do everything that needs to be done. My job as a leader is to keep growing myself and my team and that means I must be an expert at relationally equipping and giving more and more of the tactical work away to others gifted in those areas and focus in on building into the lives of faithful men who in turn will do the same.

Now that sounds simple, but it is isn’t. In fact it’s one of the core things that separates growing leaders from ‘players’. OR to put it another way it's what separates a great coach from a great player. Great coaches don't play they coach the players, they know their best input to the game is not run with the ball... it's to coach!

Now again I’m not saying it’s easy, because it isn’t, and some people are just gifted at doing it. I’m committed to growing in this no matter what it takes.

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