Thursday, March 11, 2010

Why do 'Calvinists' and 'Mac users' freak us out?

I just finished laughing so hard I cried. I was reading my bro in law's blog and was struck by his statement that being stuck in an elevator "with a 5-point Calvinist and a Steve Jobs disciple would kind of be like hanging out in Purgatory."
At first I was a little offended. 'Hey Matt,' I thought to myself, 'so that's what you really think about hanging out with me? I know I'm odd but a harbinger of purgatory is something I've never really considered...'
Anyway, after I thought it over for a while I couldn't help but burst out into laughter. Why is it that Mac users and Calvinists command such strong reactions in people? I guess it's because both are convinced they've finally discovered something that changes their 'worldview' and that passion makes people around about them uncomfortable...
Passion both draws and repels I guess? What do you think? Thoughts?


Unknown said...

I find this sad for two personal reasons. I have converted maybe 15 people to mac in my immediate family, and at work and friends, but I have yet to use the same techniques or skills to talk to them about Jesus. Like you pointed out will, people get the idea that you want them to change, and unless you can outlay the main attractive advantages they won't. So it's sad that I sell materialism to others from myself, which doesn't glorify them or myself or Jesus.

Anonymous said...

Because Mac users are intimidatingly wrong (in a "cool" sort of way) and Calvinists intimidatingly right (in an "uncool" sort of way)?

Matt Smallbone said...

Nice Will!

Will and Nerida said...

Some great thoughts...
Steve, I agree sometimes it is a little easier to share about your latest Mac accessory than it is to share the good news to people who've already been inoculated against it with the dead viral strain of 'religion.' I think it really gets back to daily being as convinced of God's love in your life that it just flows through you to the people around about you. A changed life is the best 'message' eh?
Anika, I also wholeheartedly agree. But why is it that Calvinists are generally "uncool" and intimidating when they confess to be so Bible Centered? Why isn't the presence of Jesus and his love more recognisable?
Matt, you know I love you bro ;)

Anonymous said...

I was writing tongue in cheek, but your question is a good one. Perhaps it's because Calvinism is such a great intellectual "system" as well as being such a wonderful, heart-warming truth and we focus far too much on the "safe" intellectual system (and take it out of its context of Jesus' love for the world) so that we don't have to do unsafe things like loving people. (Because we're still messed up sinners who desperately need Jesus' love for us!)