Excited to get the word out for:
Australia Bootcamp, Sydney, August 9-10 2010.
EIGHT reasons to attend:
1. Jeff Vandersteldt, Soma Communities will be teaching on the role missional communities can play in church planting.
2. David Fandey, The Fields Church and Mike Gunn, Harambee Church will be teaching on Gospel driven leadership, mission and community.
3. Steve Addison will be teaching on movements and Jesus' call for us to join Him in His Gospel movement.
4. A track for wives is available and taught by experienced church planter's wives.
5. Wives attend FREE! Jesus loves pastors wives a lot, so we do too.
6. At $149 for two days training, lunch and all the coffee you can drink - it is great value.
7. Sydney is always cool to visit :)
8. Interaction with other Jesus hearted Pastors and Church Planters over good coffee and around meals.
For more information go to www.acts29aust.com
If you want to register - send an email to will at engagecitychurch dot com and we'll get you an info pack.