Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Things I've learnt lately...

Had the privilege of attending a training time over the past couple of days. One of the highlights was having Steve Cree come and share "wisdom for ministry." Here are a couple of the things that I learnt (or was reminded of) and want to remember and intentionally apply in my life and leadership.
1. Have one or two close mates who I trust who can speak into my life on a personal level for encouragement and loving accountability. I thank God that I have two great mates who do this. I don't want to burn out, flame out or fade out. I want to finish the fight and go the whole 15 rounds, I want to be in the fight to the end. I want to be there for them too.
2. The need to have someone who is further down the road in church leadership who can speak into my life on the level of leadership. I really need this and it's still something I'm asking God for.
3. The need to be intentional about sharing my life in terms of leadership with other men, peers and those starting out in church leadership.
Gotta go for now, I need to look after my boys for a few minutes. I'll finish these thoughts off later.

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