Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Easter Outreach - cards for everyone!!

Just a couple of pics - new invite cards for this Sunday.

Also we've got a bunch of cool Newlife pens (pics later) for you to give out to friends too!!

I don't care if you give them an orange with our website written on it...

Just make sure YOU invite someone to church this Easter!!

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Some Leadership Gold

As a man following Jesus I am constantly forced to stretch, grow and change.
Here are a few leadership thoughts that have messed me up in the last 24hrs...

Generating a culture of generosity begins with me...
Recently Pastor Furtick, pastor of Elevation Church (2 years old & over 2,000) was interviewed about some of Elevation’s foundational concepts. Question : What has been your strategy in recruiting key leaders and building a strong team?
The initial 7 families that sold their homes, quit their jobs and stepped out on faith to start this church established a DNA of sacrifice that has been foundational to the team God has built at Elevation. When church planters show up to observe our team, there are certain things that simply can not be taught and frankly can not be accounted for on a spread sheet or in a list of principles. The willingness of those early families to risk it all to see a move of God is such a deep part of who we are as a church and that spirit of faith has reproduced itself in the hearts of every staff member and every volunteer creating what I believe to be the most phenomenal volunteer staff on planet earth.

The need to lead and ACT not discuss and do nothing!
Steve Addison spurred me with these comments on why movements die...
1. A bucket load of denial
2. The assets of previous generations
3. Amnesia regarding your core beliefs and mission
4. Lots of discussion about “the way forward” with no action

Leaders never give up, they align themselves.
Tony Morgan and Perry Noble threw down the gauntlet to me once agian...
Tony shares Leadership - "You haven't begun to preach until you're controversial."
"The cost of leadership is conflict."
"If you aren't experiencing conflict, you're not a leader--you're a follower."
"People generally admire their leaders best when they are dead."
Perry on Leadership - "If you are preaching at or working for a church that you would not otherwise attend, WHY? The fire starts in the Senior Pastor's heart. If the Sr. Pastor is not fired up, why would anyone else be? Vision matters."

Saturday, February 23, 2008


My Mum gave me this thought in 2005 when my wife and I were travelling through some tough terrain...

"The things you do today are an investment for tomorrow. The greater the price you are paying now the greater the potential dividends you may receive. If you want to know what your future will look like, find it's pattern in the present."

I have it beside my computer, and I read it often. Thanks Mum and Dad, you are awesome!!

Why not take the time this week to encourage at least one person a day. Write them a note letting them know you appreciate them, give them specific examples. It will be fuel in their tanks, and we all need topping up!

Thursday, February 21, 2008

Growing as a Leader and Pastor

One things for sure, if you're not growing and stretching, you're going backwards.
So I try to constantly refocus my mind to have a learning posture. By posture I mean simply positioning my attiude so that it engages with life and all it's experiences from a growing perspective.
Example - Yesterday I spent time hanging out with my wife. A couple of key things I learned/relearned were 1) I need to spend more time enjoying the beautiful things in life like my wife and sitting in coffee shop looking out on green fields. 2) There is nothing like great service to make you want to come back. A kind word, a genuine caring attitude, it doesn't matter if you are a pastor or a chef, being kind to people makes people want to be with you. Simple enough, but why do so many businesses and churches have an unwelcoming environment?
So what is it that you are learning?

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Ministry and Fine Wine - Sirromet Winery

Well this morning Nerida and I spend a few hours catching up at the beautiful Sirromet Winery.
Now I don't often blog about such things but our experience at the Winery was exceptional. Nerida and I had a great time just reconnecting. Work has been so hectic lately and it was a long overdue meeting. Anyway, there's nothing like getting away together, so we did!! Great morning tea, scones, cream and coffee.
And while we were enjoying that Andrew Mirosch the Executive Chef was getting some photos taken for the Saturday Courier Mail... he generously offered us a taste of a chicken main, I honestly don't know what it was called but it was incredible. So here's a great shout out to Andrew! Thanks for blessing my wife and I today.
God certainly has his hand on our lives and it's so encouraging to receive these obvious encouragements as we walk with Him!!
Sirromet Winery, men take your wife there some time, it's fantastic!!

Mixing things up!

Today, I am (for me) throwing my whole normal weekly schedule/system out the window. Nothing crazy... just taking some time out to spend time just hanging with my wife. I'm going to take her to some winery over near the Bay, have coffee and a bite to eat. The last two weeks have been hectic and as I got up this morning, prayed and just sat in the dark and spent time for once actually just listening to God talk, I know I needed to refocus on her today. Nothings wrong. Just been reminded that my ministry to Nerida is so important and yet so often neglected with a growing church and three boys!! I'll let you know how it goes - Cheers. ;)

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Eggs & Weightlifting!!

With Easter just around the corner I'm getting real excited about the new series we're launching on Easter Sunday!!
Easter is going to be off the hook this year!!
With thousands more eggs and a great day out for the family with our annual Easter Egg Hunt at the Spring Lake Park Easter Saturday will be a fantastic way we can serve and show our community the love of God.
Then on Easter Sunday we're set to celebrate the power of God in raising His son Jesus as we launch a new series "the games of life." With the theme - get in the game, I know this series will challenge, encourage and inspire as we work through God's word over the four Sundays.
And just to take it right over the top, on the Sunday following Easter we've got Gold medalist Deborah Lovely coming to share her powerful testimony!!
All I can say is "Bring it!!"
Pray, start inviting your friends and get ready to be changed by God through his living word. Easter - I love it!!

Monday, February 11, 2008

Easter Sunday Postcard Update

Easter is getting closer and I'm getting even more cranked up for our new Series Launch!!
Here's the new updated postcard that'll be dropped around the greater Springfield Region. Please pray for this series and begin inviting your friends along to Church. It will be off the hook!!

Sunday, February 10, 2008

sick, tired & learning

Well the last few days have been some of the most 'forgettable' for me. The plague has swept through the Henderson household and it all had to happen on the one weekend that my all powerful wife was away at her grandparents 60th Wedding Aniversary!!
With midnight runs to the hospital in the Ambulance hopefully behind us for a while I'm trusting that I will see a better weekend ahead.
One thing I've relearnt is this... the church can and will go on without me!! Now that's not news to anyone really, but I needed to be reminded of it. Thanks.